Wärtsilä launched its first Digital
Acceleration Centre in Finland in
October 2017.
ärtsilä’s first Digital Acceleration
Centre started out officially in
Lauttasaari in Helsinki, Finland, in Octo-
ber 2017.
”The Centre is utilised for process-
ing and selecting new ideas, in cases for
which speed is of the essence,” says Vice
President Riku-Pekka Hägg from Wärtsilä
Marine Solutions.
The Centre will prepare feasibility
studies for this purpose.
”The first cases for the Digital Accel-
eration Centre in Helsinki are already being
processed. The very first one concerned
artificial intelligence for ships – but all new
ideas processed by the Centre will not nec-
The technology group Wärtsilä has launched its essarily have to relate to digital technology,
first Digital Acceleration Centres in Helsinki in they just need to be new and innovative.”
Finland and in Singapore. Two more Centres will
be established by the end of 2018.
Digital Acceleration Centres are to help
Wärtsilä in conforming to new types of business
In the first project, all of Wärtsilä’s
projects related to intelligent ship design
were collected together within a period of
six weeks, to form a comprehensive up-to-
date overall view of the current R&D sit-
models and to enhance the utilisation of uation. This has helped the company to
innovative digital technology. proceed onwards with the main projects.
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