Esko Mustamäki, CEO for Arctech Helsinki Shipyard notes that approximately 60 percent of the icebreakers currently in operation worldwide
have been built at Helsinki shipyard.
ituated on both sides of the Arctic year-round maritime export transportation exported. In addition to Finland, the main
Circle, Finland has had plenty of use to the continent,” recounts Mr. Esko Mus- market areas have been Sweden and Rus-
for icebreakers over the years. The coun- tamäki, CEO for Arctech Helsinki Shipyard. sia.”
try’s seaways are liable to get blocked by
heavy ice every winter.
Continuous R&D in icebreaker design
has contributed to achieving success.
”Logistically, Finland was an island in Since those days, Finnish companies have ”Furthermore, Finland has built
the 19th century when engineer Robert gained lots of more experience in build- numerous types of icebreakers: small-
Runeberg started designing steam-pow- ing icebreakers. scale variants, shallow-water icebreakers
ered icebreakers. This helped to establish
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”Many of the icebreakers have been
for river environments, AC/AC icebreakers