from the
ship series
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These technologies can do wonders for
your supply chain – which means that the
maritime sector is interested to hear more.
Lammi gave a presentation at
EUROPORT 2017 – held in Rotterdam in
November – concentrating on blockchain
technology and what that technology can
do to reinvent maritime logistics.
According to Lammi, blockchain tech-
nology makes it possible to accumulate
Tel. + 358 8 445 8800
Fax + 358 8 442 956
[email protected]
Data in the
blockchain is
generated data in a decentralised data- Blockchains are formed by blocks base and create a distributed ledger that that are chained to other blocks, using keeps records of digital transactions. Data a cryptographic signature. They are visi- “In the blockchain logistics system,
in the blockchain is unchangeable and dig- ble to anyone within a network with the you only need to trust the system, not the
itally recorded in packages – the so-called appropriate permissions. This technology individual player,” says Lammi. The emerg-
blocks. will have a major impact on supply chains, ing new transport system is shared, rep-
potentially reducing delays and making the
need for intermediaries obsolete.
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