seatec - Finnish marine technology review 1/2016 | Page 29

ments in the competitiveness of the entire interest in and knowledge and apprecia- the maritime industries have been installed Finnish ICT sector, and not just within the tion on the maritime sectors. The activities aboard passenger ships rather than cargo maritime industries.” of the association cover the entire country. vessels. ”New markets could be found for Mr. Mikko Niini, Chairman of the ”However, the new ICT systems are the applications of the ICT development Finnish Maritime Association and Board gradually gaining headway also in the ser- companies. This could happen in a time member in two Finnish shipping com- vices and documentation of cargo ship- frame of the next few years,” she expects. panies, ESL Shipping and Navidom Ltd., ping industries. It is great that the City of ”After small achievements, bigger notes that digitalisation is now in fash- Helsinki has particularly promoted the ser- ones will follow. Right now, we should ion in all fields of business, with the aim vices of the marine industries and worked create a more comprehensive network of of being able to utilise huge ’Big Data’ for the creation of a hub of maritime ser- cooperation for the maritime cluster, and types of data banks for promoting busi- vices in the Helsinki region. This is an idea keep it in good shape.” ness and efficiency. that is taking things in the right direction.” ”In comparison with other industries, ”The Ministry of Employment and PLENTY OF POTENTIAL ICT systems have so far not been used to the Economy has funded the MERIT pro- FOR NEW TECHNOLOGY their full extent in the marine industry. ject for a limited period of time. A lot will Finnish Maritime Association – in F­ innish However, there is plenty of potential for depend on how quickly the companies will ’Meriliitto’ – is a maritime co-operation the utilisation of new information tech- launch new projects of their own. At the forum that enhances the importance to nology,” Niini says. very least, the MERIT project is a good cat- the nation of shipping and other maritime He also points out that the applica- activities, and its goal is to enhance the tions that up to now have shown up in alyst basis for further development,” Niini sums up. n seatec 1/2016 27