Cruise ship conversions special area
Foreship knows energy saving
Optimization of the hull
here will be more and more cruise ship conversion projects
tions and give you a valuable tool for asking a bid package and
in the world. Conversion is a growing area. We have also
getting authorities’ approval for your project”, Mr. Haavisto says.
noted in Foreship that business with vessel conversions has already
“We are specialist in hull form optimisation by Computa-
been a long time more important than new building”, Managing
tional Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Foreship has a role also in finding
director Mr. Lauri Haavisto of Foreship Ltd. says.
an optimal hull form for new cruise vessels as well as conversion
Lauri Haavisto leads naval engineering company which spe-
cases. We help to understand, visualise and analyse phenomena,
cial area is to understand fluid dynamics as well in conversion
find reasons and observe consequences. The result is energy ef-
cases as well as in new building. The key question is how to find
ficient fuel saving vessel.”
better energy efficiency to customers to save money by that way.
“We have completed more than 1 000 projects, including
“The starting with our customer case is a feasibility study
among others large amount of conversion projects and new build-
after which it is the moment to make a decision if it is profitable
ing concept designs, project management tasks, engineering of
to go on renewals.”
a SOX scrubber and other ship installations, several interior and
He takes an example of ducktail which is a lengthening of
the aft ship. There is a possibility to remarkable improvement in
HVAC design projects for cruise ships and ferries, numerous basic
design projects and the design of a rock climbing wall.”
total energy consumption. Optimisation of bulb is always a good
question to study.
“We are well known for large scale cruise ship conversion
Foreship Ltd. is an independent company, owned by the employ-
projects, structural engineering and new building concept de-
ees. In Finland the offices are located in Helsinki and in Turku Area
signs. With our help you can find the cost efficient way to realize
Kaarina. In Åland Mariehamn Foreship announces November 2013
your conversion, without problems with stabili H܈