Small but strong example of the Arctic expertise
Next-generation’s harbour icebreaker to the Gulf of Bothnia
his vessel is a real marine work machine,” says Mikko Törne,
a new service concept, which we will also offer to other ports,”
LPO Manager of Bureau Veritas Marine approval office in
says Tero Vauraste, CEO of Arctia Shipping.
Turku. The vessel will be in BV class A 1 Super and operate in the
Gulf of Bothnia.
Uudenkaupungin Työvene Oy will build the vessel. It won the
tender competition thanks to the company’s extensive experience
The vessel is a next-generation harbour icebreaker of Arctia
in the field of ice-capable vessels. Many small and medium-sized
Karhu Oy, a joint venture between Arctia shipping and the Port
specialised vessels have been built at the Uusikaupunki dockyard.
of Kemi. It will be in operation in the winter 2014. This state-of-
“This novel ship concept breaks new ground for the dock-
the-art vessel will be 40 metres long and 12.8 metres wide, with
yard. Combining escort towing features with excellent icebreak-
a draught of approximately six metres. The ship will have a pro-
ing capacity will provide yet another demonstration of the Finn-
pulsion power of 2 x 1,800 kW.
ish ship-building industry’s Arctic expertise,” says CEO Harri Putro
The new icebreaker will carry out harbour icebreaking duties
of Uudenkaupungin Työvene Oy.
in the ports of Kemi and Tornio during the winter. In the summer,
“The Arctic expertise” is also, generally speaking, the key
the vessel can be used for escort towing and oil recovery duties.
issue with regards to the future of the Finnish shipbuilding. The
The ship’s design allows for it to be used in place of heavi-
vessels are not necessarily large like Oasis. But when destination
er icebreaking capacity, especially in early and late winter. This
cruise vessels go to Nordic cruise ports, it is quite possible that
will create cost savings.
this small marine work machine will help them.
“Traffic volumes in the North will keep growing in the future. This new vessel will provide much needed service reliability and safety in harbour icebreaking. The new vessel is part of
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