Technip Offshore Finland’s shipyard in Mäntyluoto (Pori) specialises in offshore vessels.
for Technology and Innovation (TEKES) has
Despite recent setbacks suffered by
The shipyard also unites the marine
provided funds for offshore industry busi-
the shipbuilding industry, Mrs. Salmi-Lind-
industry clusters of Russia and Finland as
nesses and networking. Such projects re-
gren remains optimistic.
it has become the joint venture of STX
quire quite a lot of specialised networking
”I am certain that Finland’s shipyards
Finland Oy and Russian United Shipbuild-
abilities and, consequently, have tremen-
have potential for success.” she maintains.
ing Corporation (USC). The joint venture
agreement was signed in December 2010
dous export potential,” Salmi-Lindgren
and Arctech started its operation 1 April,
2011. The company is equally owned by
new ships has in recent times been on the
In the innovative field of arctic ships, some
both of its shareholders.
decrease worldwide. Hopefully this is just
success can already be noted.
points out.
”Overall, the number of orders for
Arctech Helsinki Shipyard is located
a temporary phenomenon. Once the new
Arctech Helsinki Shipyard Inc. spe-
in Ruoholahti in southern Helsinki. At pre-
environmental regulations of IMO (Inter-
cialises in arctic shipbuilding technology –
sent, the company has approximately 400
national Maritime Organisation) start to
in other words, building ice-breakers and
be implemented, decisions for new ship
other offshore and special vessels to be
investments will probably eventually be
operated in Arctic regions.
Many of the arctic ships that have
been recently built have been designed by
In fact, Helsinki shipyard has deliv-
Aker Arctic Technologies, another mem-
”Finnish shipyards have the right kind
ered approximately 60 percent of the ice-
ber of the Finnish Marine Industries. In the
of expertise. Still, quite a lot remains to
breakers currently in operation around the
near future, the vast potential for new gas
be done before the shipbuilding industry
and oil fields in the arctic regions will quite
again becomes a huge financial success.
Arctech has a long history and ex-
probably cause further demand for ships
On the plus side, our shipbuilders already
perience in building arctic vessels. In the
that can be operated in harsh arctic con-
have an excellent reputation and good ref-
same location, Helsinki Shipyard, ships
erences – such as Viking Line’s latest cruise
have been built for almost 150 years. To-
ship, the LNG-powered M/S Viking Grace.
day, Arctech expects to be the forerunner
Environmentally friendly ships running on
in developing and applying various tech-
liquefied natural gas provide new possibil-
nological innovations in the field of arc-
ities for Finnish shipyards in the future.”
tic ships.
seatec 1/2013