toughening up all the time? Duffy believes
tion is still Caribbean, with Alaska, Baha-
While cruising receives generally high
that the secret of consistent success lies
mas and Hawaii as the runner-ups. The
marks from all consumers (even those who
in the fact that the cruise industry contin-
general profile of the 2011 cruise vacation-
have never cruised before) it is significant
ues to “innovate and deliver on the cruise
er is younger than you might think (with
that past cruisers consistently have even
product promise”, with the result that mil-
median age of 48), but very upscale (with
higher opinions of their cruise vacation ex-
lions of Americans are keen on taking a
a median household income of $97,000)
perience in terms of benefits, price percep-
cruise in the near future.
and well-educated (76 percent college
tions, value, and other factors than those
who have never cruised before.
The study also sheds some light as
Duffy recaps: Once someone has
With regards to where the cruise-lovers
to why cruising has such guest loyalty and
cruised, the value, variety, and enjoyment
feel like going, the number one destina-
high repeat business.
is “obvious and irresistible.”
Photo: Fincantieri
seatec 1/2012