Mr. Alain Robertson started the plate-cutting
work for the new research ship at Rauma
Shipyard on 9th September, 2010.
ing of parts for the vessel. The ship’s hull is
The new multi-purpose vessel being
about this research ship is that it has been
to be assembled in the course of the spring
built for the South African scientific re-
designed in accordance with SOLAS 2009
and early summer of 2011. The launch has
search community will operate as a sup-
directive and Safe Return to Port regula-
been scheduled for July,” Mr. Suistio notes.
ply, research and passenger vessel and an
tions related to passenger safety. In fact,
this is the first polar research ship in the
Further work on the ship’s interiors
world to be classified as an extremely safe
and the equipment installations will con-
The length of the ice-strengthened
tinue throughout the second half of 2011
vessel will be 134 metres. The ship will
and early 2012.
provide accommodation for 45 crew mem-
While most of the polar research and
bers and appr