A new light weight insulation solution
by Saint-Gobain for ships
Saint-Gobain Rakennustuotteet Oy
lower and instead of expensive aluminium
has introduced a new lightweight
structure on most upper decks gives a pos-
insulation solution to the market.
sibility to use less costly steel structure.
It reduces the weight of insulation materials used on, for example
cruise ships, to approximately half
of their current weight.
This way, savings of even over a million EUR can be achieved during construction.
The reduced weight can also be utilised in other functions of the ship, such
as increasing the payload.
he new Isover ULTIMATE insulation is
”We have calculated that through
very effective for fire safety and heat
the weight reduction 5.4 percent of addi-
tional cargo could be taken on board. In
”We can refer to a new generation
our example case, for instance, this means
of insulations,” says Matti Reijonen, Sales
an additional six 45 ton semi-trailer trucks.
This means a considerable increase in prof-
The 210-metre RoRo passenger ferry, which has a car deck and six passen-
itability for the shipping company,” Reijonen says.
ger decks is used as an example. The pas-
The speed of the ship does not sig-
senger capacity is 2,800. Previously, similar
nificantly increase due to the weight re-
vessels have used stone wool for fire in-
duction. However, the CO2 emissions into
the environment are reduced by approx-
The use of new light weight fire in-
imately 720 tons annually. The range of
sulation materials has a stabilising effect
annual fuel savings, depending on the
on the structure of the ship. In our ex-
speed and usage, is between $100,000
ample case, the reduction of 280 tons of
and $400,000.
weight due to the new insulation materi-
The new insulation will reduce also
al, reduces the centre of gravity of the ship
heating / cooling costs due to excellent
a great impact on the financial perform-
by 10cm, which even allows the construc-
characteristics of new generation insu-
ance of the shipping company through
tion of an additional approximately 450-s-
lation. The thermal conductivity of ULTI-
reduced operational expenses, both now
quare metre steel deck (approx. 30 cabins)
MATE insulations is 15–20% better than
and in the future.
in the upper section of the ship.
similar traditional insulation material.
Based on the weight reduction of in-
Therefore, the reduction in weight
sulations, the centre gravity of the ship is
with fire, heat, and sound insulations, has
seatec 1/2009
Additional information of the next
generation’s insulation solution is available at: ■