seatec - Finnish marine technology review 1/2009 | Page 25

Mr. William S. Wright, start-up Captain of Oasis of the Seas. al Promenade, the heart of the ship. It is He commands also energy system which and marine demands, there is a practical connecting the seven different ‘neighbour- has 97 megawatt power. In addition, there need to have two captains,” he says. hoods’ of the ship. Oasis of the Seas is a is also a water plant generating fresh wa- That is very, very understandable. It community of these neighbourhoods.” ter 4,100 000 l/day. Accommodation ca- is clear that nobody can run this “city” In technical terms, Captain Wright is like a Technical & Hotel Director of the City. pacity is about 6,300 passengers. “Due to the total nature of customer alone. ■ RISTO VALKEAPÄÄ seatec 1/2009 23