seatec - Finnish marine technology review 1/2005 | Page 18

Successful start for GOFREP system in the Gulf of Finland Since summer 2004 vessels of 300 gross tonnage and upwards are obliged to report to Helsinki, St. Petersburg or Tallinn Traffic when sailing in the Gulf of Finland. he breaking in of the system was highly successful. As a matter of fact, vessels started to report several hours before the system was implemented. By the end of September as many as 35,000 reports had been received. One and the same vessel may, however, send several reports as a report has to be renewed for instance if the vessel’s port of destination is changed. GOFREP operators receive arrival and departure reports from vessels and monitor the adherence to the system by means of a VTS traffic image. Special atten- T 16 SEATEC 2005 tion is paid to contravention of traffic separation regulations and rules of the road at sea. The importance of the job is confirmed by risk analyses, which show that reporting systems reduce the risk of collision by as much as 80%. Increased interaction between vessels and authorities has also brought about some unexpected advantages. Thus vessels are now more active in reporting observed oil slicks to the Finnish Maritime Administration, which forwards the information to the Finnish Environment Agency. If a shipmaster does not follow the rules of the road, this is pointed out to him by th H