SEAT Global Magazine - Exclusive Interviews of Global Sport Executive Issue 09 March/April 2018 | Page 14

I feel honored to have you a member of SEAT Executive Advisory Board, along with 19 of your industry peers. As a Board we're continuing to evolve what SEAT is to the industry and grow WITH the industry. My question to you...what do you think is the next step for SEAT?

Well, credit to you Christine and the team around you, the growth has been amazing.

I try to be very intentional at each conference to talk to first timers and gauge their experience. I can't think of one over the last three or four years that hasn't said they loved it, and that the conference was awesome, and it was an incredible experience.

I think our challenge and our opportunity is like Disney's right? Disney, as soon as you set foot on one of their entertainment parks, they're thinking about, how do I get you back and that is SEAT’s opportunity.

The other area that’s crucial at SEAT is the mentorship and leadership programming. We're there to learn about technology, but we need to learn the soft skills about how do we move an organization forward, how do we sell a proposal, our projects, and get support within our departments. How do we help the people that attend that conference go back to their team or their campus, or their company and be better equipped to sell the great ideas that they’ve learned about at SEAT.

Let's talk about your personal life for a minute. You have a young family with now two little ones. How has having a family changed your life and your perspective on life?

That's a great question. I try to intentional about reminding myself not to sweat the small things. I think that's really important in parenting, I think it's really important from a business standpoint as well.

There is so much time wasted in your own head, frustrated with some conflict that may have occurred at work, or some perceived slight that a coworker may have unintentionally cast upon you. People will literally lose days making themselves frustrated. Figure out a way to use that energy to be better at your job, instead of wasting it on negative thoughts.

My advice both as a parent and as an athletics administrator is, when conflict arises find a way to focus even more than you ever did before. That's parenting your kids, loving your kids, teaching your kids how to manage emotions and being an example for them.

That certainly is very true in the professional space. We can distract ourselves very easily. I try to have the mindfulness to say, "Okay, like isn't supposed to be easy, the job isn't supposed to be easy, raising kids is not supposed to be easy, and when it gets really hard, be able to take a deep breath, focus and be at your very best. Don't allow yourself to get off path."

Great advice!

One last question. How would you describe yourself in one word?

Chris, you have been warm and wonderful to chat with...thank you for your insights and sharing your career journey with the SEAT Community!

Thank you Christine, I appreciate the opportunity. It's my pleasure to give back.

