Season_Screen_TV_Review_№6-web SSTR №6 | Page 32

INTERVIEW WE SHOULD HAVE A FAITH AT OURSELF Inspiration is a bird which comes to those who has a patience to catch it when it comes. At the same time when the whole Ukraine was watching with bated breath Eurovision not least event took place at France: Cannes Festival where our incredibly gifted and talented writer Marysia Nikitiuk had been recognized as one of the best scriptwriter and awarded by the Krzysztof Kieslowski Scriptwriter Award for the Best Script from Central and Eastern Europe for ‘When Trees Fall’. Off course we couldn’t lose the chance to hold an interview with her and we dared to do this as soon as she came back from the Cannes Festival. Despite the haste and emotional stress, it was a fun and interesting experience. We should confirm that we were absolutely fascinated by Marysia. Here are some words that come to mind when talking to her: brave and beautiful, open-minded and extraordinary, incredibly talented winner. Moreover we have received some exceptional information that her next film will be shot in five languages. No typo there; these five languages are: Ukrainian, Russian, Surzhik, Polish, and Romanian. Now let’s take a closer look on the talent from Ukrainian and her amazing work. Tell us a bit more about your triumphant work. When Trees Fall is my first full-length script and film, and it marks the beginning of my way as a director. After writing the text, so close to my memories of my own childhood, I realized that I would never be able to give it to anyone. At that time, film critic Volodya Vojtenko, my cinematographic guardian angel, was putting ideas about directing into my head, and producer Igor Savichenko simply suggested that I try shooting shorts, just to see whether I can and want. By now, I have already done three shorts. They seem okay. )) FILMMAKER. THE PATH TO THE COVETED AIM 30 ▪ Issue 6 JUNE 2016 Marysia, you have won the Krzysztof Kieslowski ScripTeast Award for the Best Script from Eastern Europe at 2016 Cannes Festival. Tell us more about the award, please. ScripTeast is a training program aimed to prepare scriptwriters to shooting and film project promotion at the development stage. Thus, the program is attached to the professional part of two major European film festivals — Berlinale and Cannes. We had three sessions: Warsaw, Berlin, and the final one in Cannes. Scripts from Eastern and Central Europe were selected for the program; we trained with the best film professionals from England, Spain, France, Germany, and North America. For example, I had my script read and commented by Academy Award-winning scriptwriter Mark Peploe, the author of Bertolucci’s Last Emperor and Antonion’s The Passenger. During this time,we became friends with the program participants, completely forgetting about competition. Yet in the end, one of us was to receive the Krzysztof Kieslowski Award for the Best Script. Did you hope to win? What did you feel afterwards? I wanted to receive the Award, I really did, because it is so beautiful. However, I did not set my hopes high, for all the disappointed expectations prove disastrous to creative energy. So, I was very surprised to receive the Award. And yet, I was extremely happy, jumping on my heels like a little girl, but a big one and wearing a floor-length dress. Tiniest moment of happiness, before you poison yourself thinking that now you’ll have to live up to this declaration of success. Season Screen TV Review What is the film budget and what financial aid have you received from the State Film Agency? The film budget is around UAH 22 mln. Half of that is provided by the state — we’ve won State Film Agency pitchings last fall. The other half should come from coproduction with Macedonia and Poland — Igor and I are currently waiting for several film funds to reply. The project attracted a lot of interest — from French and Swedish producers; then, our Polish partners and Igor Savichenko continue negotiating. However, all missing s