Another significant prize in media industry conceptualized for the television industry in Asia Pacific and delayed to an audience reach in excess of 300 million within the continent is The Asian Television Awards which is also the most significant and celebrated event , launched by in 1996 , recognizing excellence in programming , production and performance . It is an Asia ’ s most widely participated television competition .
Asian TV Awards is organized by Television Asia Plus magazine , established in 1994 and formerly organized by Singapore Broadcasting Corporation . Published 10 times a year , TV ASIA Plus offers complete coverage of the Asian TV industry , embracing the region ’ s vibrant broadcasting , production and distribution businesses , including free TV , pay TV and new media platforms . TV ASIA Plus has developed a reputation for being the essential source of news and information for the region ’ s broadcast , cable and programming markets . Based in Singapore with an expert team of journalists and regional correspondents , TV ASIA Plus offers professional industry news , analysis , information and the most effective access to broadcast and new media markets .
“ The Asian Television Awards has evolved over the years to truly become one of Asia ’ s most definitive platforms for the regional television industry to acknowledge and reward creative and programming excellence . The caliber of participants and entries has advanced over these years and it is very heartening to see one forum that captures and showcases the evolution of the industry .”
Mark Whitehead , Executive Vice President & Managing Director , Asia • Viacom International Media Networks
We decided to find out what is this award means for Asia and its media industry at interview with Managing Director Asian Television Awards , Cindy Ng .
Mrs . Cindy can you explain to our audience who are able to participate , for which countries is it held and what is the purpose of it ?
The Asian Television Awards was originally conceptualized for the television industry in Asia Pacific . Since last year ( 2015 ), we have introduced a public facing element . Our event is also broadcast both “ live ” and delayed to an audience reach in excess of 300 million within the continent . The award recognises the best programmes and talents in Asia Pacific ’ s television industry . This includes not only the personalities in the public facing side of the business such as hosts , presenters , actors and actresses , but also those hard at work behind-the-scenes such as the directors , editors etc . All are equally important in making quality content and thus should receive their deserving recognition .
Tell us more about the criteria you usually use to select the dominants ?
We have 41 trophies up-forgrabs in 2016 . They range from Best Actor / Actress in a Leading Role , Best Actor / Actress in a Supporting Role to Best Cinematography etc . For 2016 , the Best Direction category has been re-categorized into Fiction and Non-Fiction genres . An exhaustive list of award categories for this year is available at www . asiantvawards . com / awards-categories .
What are the benefits of winning the nomination , does it really matter for participants and in which ?
The fact that the award is judged
Cindy Ng Managing Director Asian Television Awards
in a peer reviewed format further lends credibility to the awards . Winners of our awards are thus well recognized for their efforts in producing excellent content .
What is new and unusual , you will have in TV Awards 2016 ?
As mentioned earlier , the Best Direction category has been re-categorized into Fiction and Non-Fiction genres . We are also looking to expand our list of broadcast partners in 2016 . Our television audiences can expect to enjoy Asian Television Awards “ live ” in more countries this year and expect a brand new stellar cast of international and regional performing artiste . As and when we have updates , we will announce them on www . asiantvawards . com . sstrnews . com Issue 6 JUNE 2016 ▪ 13