age or demographic. While it might sound easy to create
such a series, it’s the gentle balance between adult
humor and kids being kids. It’s a mix between Got Talent
the classic US format Kids Say the Darndest Things,
its pure genius. It’s not surprising though, as it comes
from the godfather of reality and unscripted television,
Mike Darnell.
HTV Entertainment Limited Asian Dramas has
the most viewed so far in our channel followed by food
and travel content. We see some promising signs in
the ratings of the few food programs like Simple Food,
Fun Food and Foodlab International distributed by
TRACE TV As you can imagine, celebrity features are
always the biggest talking point. Our Guest Star program
is formed by exclusive interviews with the most popular
urban artists in the world. In Guest Star, the celeb reveals
their secrets and their plans for the future. With this
program, viewers get up close with their favorite artists,
like never before.
Guest Star has been a firm favourite since TRACE’s
inception and we will continue to provide the best artists
a platform to promote their music and new ventures.
It also takes viewers into a space where they can reach
an understanding with their musical heroes and role
models, something not always possible through the
medium of music.
Given the success of this show, we have expanded
Guest Star program to all of our music channels — TRACE
Urban, TRACE Tropical, TRACE Africa, TRACE Toca. TRACE
Gospel has its own GUEST STAR program, which is called
GLITZ, GLAM & GOSPEL where Mario Winans Jr., a key
figure in the Gospel music world, meet up with famous
Gospel personalities in Los Angeles, USA.
LATINA TV While our great shows, entertainment
formats and media content are extremely powerful on
our screen, the most visited of the program belong to our
stellar unit TV-novels (fiction content).
The reason is that an innovative product, the stories
are the stories of light perception, the book (script) of
our TV-novels are extremely powerful and have deep
storylines. Every next chapter has a “sensation” in
history, and thanks to these critical moments, our TVnovels are always full of new within the same story.
Characters grow, develop, change, will melt known, and
do not remain as they were originally. Stories intertwine.
And all this with great skill, which not only touches the
audience and leads them to validate themselves through
the main characters, which are reflected in them, and
involved what is happening to them. We should also
remember that literature is characterized by a special
“intimacy” with the audience, as there is a continuity
that makes the viewer to follow by it every day, to know
that this time would happen to his “new friends”, which
in practice they are; suffer with them, rejoice with them
and live with them every day.
Fox TV The Walking Dead, Last Man on Earth, X-Files,
NCIS LA, Bones, a combination of classic procedurals that
usually works well in our market with worldwide big
franchises like The Walking Dead and X Files.
SAFE MEDIA SARL Few years back in the MENA
region it was all about Reality TV (Star Academy, Survivor),
Gaming shows “Who want to be the millionaire?”, Then
came in the Turkish Series 3 Shows a night back to back,
24 ▪ Issue 6 JUNE 2016
in the 90’s it was the Latino soaps, later came in FORMATS
(The Voice and The Idol, Dancing with the Stars, now it’s
sort of the Pan Arab Drama).
As you can see, all of the content selection factors
that are listed in this article are totally and completely
reasonable. The facts mentioned above approve this
finding at the whole extent.
Another key point is the overall development of the
media industry at each different country. It depends on
growth rate and the possibility to implement and utilize
innovation and new technology. It makes an impact not
only to the demand of the audience and desire to earn
money, but also to political, social and economic situation
in general.
The way audiences watch television has been transformed over the past ten years, more than it did for the
past fifty. No matter what name or technology is used, the
option of watching selected programs anytime & anywhere changed everything in TV forever.
NBC Universal On-demand, on-demand, ondemand. There’s been no bigger change in the industry
over the past 10-15 years, full stop.
1+1 TV Due to the Russian occupation of the Crimea
and the war with Russia at Donbas, the Russian content
was statutory imitated. It is ought to be mentioned that
some channels are elaborating their c grids for prime
exceptionally on the basis of Russian content, so now you
can imagine what will be the impact of such statutory
limitation for them. Moreover due to global media market
stagnation there is also reduction at sharing the reality
TRACE TV TRACE has always had a fairly young
viewership, that being an audience consisting mostly
of millenials. Research we did showed that 70% of our
subscribers are watching our TV channels whilst using
a second screen. For us, we felt an obligation to launch
TRACE Play because the way in which our young fans are
consuming content is increasingly digital.
HTV Entertainment Limited HTV Entertainment
Limited: In our opinion, series and movies ratio of
views are equally distributed between the 2 formats.
For example, Korean series and Hollywood movies are
watched worldwide. For TV shows and cartoons ratio
of views, it will depend on the content popularity and
target audience. However, we believed cartoon has better
views ratio because many viewers will watch cartoon no
matter what is their age including me. Entertainment
genre always stays on top of the popularity chart.
However, educational content has long shelf life and
popular among parents. Parents prefer to let their young
kids to watch edutainment content when they are busy.
Entertainment TV shows like reality program are gaining
popularity among the young generations in recent years
especially in Asia. Documentary genre always claimed
a spot on the popularity chart although not the top but
worth to watch genre.
What are the most challenges you meet nowadays?
And what are your plans for the future generally and for
second part of the year 2016?
ARMENIA TV: We are continuing to be oriented
Season Screen TV Review
at our home-made sitcoms and serials, and will try to
implement at our live broadcasting some night-shows
and stand ups.
NBC Universal We’ve had a lot of success so far in
2016, so thankfully we don’t feel an urgency to correct
any glaring holes. Instead, we plan to work a little more
closely with advertisers and agency in crafting concepts
and ideas which can be fully funded through product
integration. As mentioned earlier, original content is
important but it’s necessary for us to work with our
advertisers from the start and tailor a concept that fits
both of our needs.
SAFE MEDIA SARL The main fact we can agree on is
that audience are constantly changing. Multiple screens,
devices or platforms have shifted the audiences into era
far from the normal TV, as it had always been known. No
one wants to wait behind a TV screen anymore to wait
until their favorite show comes. Moreover, 80% of most
audiences and views worldwide watch TV with another
screen in the same room simultaneously. We spend
approximately more the 50% of our time behind digital
devices. When the very popular Ellen DeGeneres selfie
on Twitter attracts 80,000 retweets in three minutes and
over one million in less than an hour.
This is a perfect example for where audiences are
shifting and going. Interesting question, ask yourself
“If you had to give up on one of the two, rather give up
on your TV or your Mobile phone?” The answer is simple
I can’t live without my mobile! There you go that’s the
new TV screen. It’s even a challenging process for viewers
not everyone is very cooperative to pay money in order
to watch TV. In the MENA audiences still need time to
understand it, that something they always got for free or
pirated they will be paying for. Individuals have not got
into the habit of using or giving their credit card numbers to strangers or online! It will take a bit of time for
them to relate paying per view.
HTV Entertainment Limited We are interested in
web series suitable for the whole family. Our current plan
is to focus on brand building since our channel is still
young. We have many requests in co-production and we
will surely consider it when the timing is right.
TRACE Urban In June this year, we will begin the
international rollout of our SVOD platform TRACE Play.
Entirely dedicated to Afro-urban entertainment, it will
be filled with series, films, documentaries, and even our
linear TV channels.
FOX Last years have been really exciting in our
market. All the non-linear consumptions has completely
changed the model of the channels, the type of content in
the schedules, the ratings analysis and also the channels
have strongly improved the timings for premiering the
content, being close to US or UK premieres, trying to
avoid piracy. We are living the best moment in terms of
penetration and the entertainment is also living its best
moment in terms of number of series and quality. So, go
the market and find the best product for our channel is
a challenge because there are hundreds of series that
people are expecting or talking about.
Summarizing everything we can say that the era of
television is still far from its sunset, obviously that despite
of the emerged challenges it is on a summit of its bright
development. Hard times require conceptualizing of all
approaches and reconstructing all existing instruments
at TV production. At the same time new challenges create
a favorable environment for productions to be unique and
really extraordinary, to be real in its aspiration.
What do audiences want? In all areas of television
they hunger for surprise.
With so many channels audience scatters its attention.
Furthermore, channels are initially limited in the offers.
Therefore, all channels are oriented on the top content
which can be put on repeat. And if you spend millions on
a production then you must have a large quantity show,
to cover costs and earn. And it’s a complete red herring
to think that viewers never want to see a program twice.
Digital channels also encourage experimentation and
risk-taking from new writers. It’s a very interesting time
for television, and the future is there to be thought for.
That’s all about shared experience. Television still has
the ability to bring people together, to create communities
with something in common on a scale no other medium
can really rival. That remains incredibly potent because it
means TV not only reflects popular culture but defines it.
As we can see the world of media is changing at a rapid
pace and nothing will stop the growing love of audience
to this sweet life substitution and barely Charls Kignsly
and Karl Mark s were right: It’s not the religion it is the
television which is the opium for peoples and it obviously
release their suffering indeed creating a sweet illusion in
which re-live. ▪
Issue 6 JUNE 2016 ▪ 25