Season_Screen_TV_Review_№6-web SSTR №6 | Page 12

cities of the world . Then the team decided to show the real traveling conditions of exotic countries spending a month for tour preparation . Usually the show covers 4 or 5 cities during the trip .
Furthermore , today “ Heads & Tails ” are working on a round-world trip which is expected to cover 40 cities and will last 270 days . It is the 12 th season of the travel-show and it has been in preparation for 4 months .
Usually there are proximately 7 or 10 members of the team involved in a trip . They are divided into two groups with two trip directions and two storylines within the show . Two trip directions in accordance with the tossed coin : the luxury one and the limited one .
The idea was to show the audience that you can travel on a very modest budget . The experience gained after the launch of the show was fantastic , and the audience fell in love with it . It provides useful advice on how to see the whole world cheaply . You can spend the night not only in a cheap hostel , but for free , for example , in a monastery or by hospitable hosts .
At the same time , it shows the life and experience of the people who do not need to limit their budget , showing all pros and cons of luxury traveling .
As all great things grow from a small wish , the idea of the show emerged from the desire to create something extraordinary , combining fun and business . sstrnews . com Issue 6 JUNE 2016 ▪ 5