Season_Screen_TV_Review_№6-web SSTR №5 | Page 48

WHAT’S NEW? | WHAT IS MK MEDIA GROUP GOING TO PRESENT? WHAT IS MK MEDIA GROUP GOING TO PRESENT? We are quite sure that TV programs and series can be a real help and a real source of knowledge. Our team proves this statement by the projects we’re producing. Now we are ready to announce two different projects for preteens and adults. Both of them will make you believe in miracles and chance. Well, what are we actually making now? MK Media Group offers a unique model of cooperation: FORMATDESIGNER. For each client it is possible to produce tales of your region that do not break the main line of the story. These tales raise problems of each our client’s audience 10+ and methods of solving those problems. We are also ready to provide «“ Fairy Book” format constructor and methods of creating a cartoon with your original tales and issues. Fairy Book It is well known that the process of educating the younger generation is very important. We don’t want to stay aside, so we’re going to introduce you our new cartoon Fairy Book, which is in production. This project is aimed on children, who are 10 years old or elder. It is where awkward age starts. Our cartoon touches upon very serious issues. It will show young viewers solutions to the problems often faced by today’s children - relationships with peers and adults, authority in society, struggle with fears and thereby instill eternal values in them - goodness, love, friendship, honesty, courage, responsibility. We hope that our new cartoon will help children learn useful things about the world we live in and the world each of us has inside. All our cartoons are created with the help of psychologists who tell us what is better for children and their evolution. “Fairy book” is an animated series about the fantastic journey of two teenagers from the real world into a magic book universe, woven with stories of famous fairy tales. Duration of the 1 season - 13 episodes of 25 minutes each. The main characters are a bold, but not very obedient 13-year-old Martha, her extremely intelligent but cowardly 11-year-old brother Norman and guinea pig Ricky. They went to school and loved to spend time with their friends until one occasion has changed everything. Once our heroes wandered into an antique shop of a mysterious old man Felix Cornelius. There they found an ancient magic book, which took them into the fantastic world of fairy tale “Little Longnose and secret ingredient”. 48 | SEASON SCREEN TV REVIEW | ISSUE 5 FEBRUARY 2016 WHAT IS MK MEDIA GROUP GOING TO PRESENT? | WHAT’S NEW? To return back our heroes had to help the main character of the fairy tale - boy Jacob to remove the spell that had turned him into an ugly dwarf. Along the way they face many obstacles, dangers and mythical creatures from the magic fairy world. But even on their return back their problems are not over. Now the book pursues them everywhere and sends them to the different worlds of fairy tales. Throughout the series, our heroes have to solve the mystery of the origin of the book and find out who Felix Cornelius really is – an ordinary old man or a powerful mage. MK Media Group offers a unique model of cooperation: FORMAT-DESIGNER. For each client it is possible to produce tales of your region that do not break the main line of the story. These tales raise problems of each our client’s audience 10+ and methods of solving those problems. We are also ready to provide “Fairy Book” format constructor and methods of creating a cartoon with your original tales and issues. World’s Great Fortuities It is a project for curious people of any age, who’d like to know where remarkable historical events began. Our thirteen minutes program consists of 26 episodes. Each of them is dedicated to one event only. Now we’ll show some details! Do you know that the invention of penicillin was just a coincidence? Yes! This discovery was a real true turning point in th