Season_Screen_TV_Review_№6-web SSTR №5 | Page 26

‘‘THE SERVANT OF NATION’’ | INTERVIEW “THE SERVANT OF NATION” “When things are really bad, the only thing you can do is to laugh” – said once Jim Carrey & was pretty right! For many centuries the topic of social problems of humanity has been raised by artists and writers. And it’s really good, when with the help of irony one could affect the problem or even contribute to problem’s solution. Ukrainian people set heart on getting rid of corruption, so sooner or later some creative work with this topic should appear. And recently it occurred! So we are really glad to write in this edition about “The Servant of Nation”TV series by famous & successful Ukrainian studio Kvartal-95. The motto of the series is “The History of the next president”. The premiere of the first season (24 episodes) was held at the Ukrainian TV channel “1 + 1” November 16, 2015. The story is about ordinary divorced history teacher, who lives with his parents, but suddenly begins a completely new life… as a president! Even after the first series of “public servants” appeared on TV screens, the results exceeded all expectations - the series has become the leader of TV broadcast and scored the highest rating of the fall season in its slot (approximately 10.4%, and 26% of the audience aged 18-54). So we decided not to postpone the opportunity to meet the authors, and they gladly agreed to answer our questions. Vladimir Zelenskiy Studio Kvartal 95 “The humor is considered to be authentic and hard to sell. Let me disagree here. If the humor is about core values – love, family, friendship, relationships, desire for normal life and honest leaders – it’s about humanistic standards obvious worldwide”. 26 | SEASON SCREEN TV REVIEW | ISSUE 5 FEBRUARY 2016 SSTR: For Ukrainians, the series The Servant of Nation is like laughter through tears. How did you come up with the idea? Should it be regarded as a wish to show how we look from some distance away while falling into the same trap? Kvartal 95: An idea of this project occurred to us (let`s emphasize it is original) about 8 years ago. It is based on our wish to live in country without all-level corruption, in a country where authorities respect people and where politicians work not to enrich themselves but for the nation. Hence our first working title was The Young Country. The idea ripened, we grew older, wiser and more experienced, and the country went through some dramatic events. One moment we realized this topic is of national current interest. That is how our history teacher – an honest rankand-filer – went down in history too, when he suddenly became a President. For now only in series (smiles). Our aim was not to show us falling into the same trap. We were to show people who want honest government without corruption and nepotism. All of us have to change somehow for our society to be civilized. For instance, not to bribe, not to graft and work honestly. ISSUE 5 FEBRUARY 2016 | SEASON SCREEN TV REVIEW | 27