Season Program | Big Top Chautauqua 2017 | Page 30

Wednesday, August 16, 2017 Thursday, August 17, 2017 • 7:30 PM FREE event - No ticket required Reserved Seating: $ 48 Join us for an evening of information, entertainment and fellowship Native-style. Wisconsin Public Television representatives will be on hand to show the WPT film “Red Cliff Ojibwe History” featuring Marvin DeFoe and Andy Gokee, tribal members of the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa. A “Conversation with the Elders” will follow the film featuring Q&A, a discussion of Ojibwe history, and current issues for the Tribes. Plus performances from Wigwam Express Drummers, flutist Frank Montano, and a dance demonstration from the Native Expressions Drum and Dance Troupe. Finish off the evening with freshly prepared fry bread. Sponsored by: Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission This event is part of our Native American Community Connections series, which is funded in part by the Human Rights Fund an affiliate of the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation. Media sponsor: Wisconsin Public Radio Opening set: Landon McNamara 5:30pm - Activities & Demonstrations 7:00pm - Film & Discussion followed by Fry Bread ∆Dance Alert The John Butler Trio is an eclectic Australian roots and jam band led by award-winning musician John Butler. Born in California, Butler moved to Australia - his father's native land - when he was eleven. He started as a busker on the streets of Perth and Fremantle, playing various styles, including Indian, Celtic, bluegrass, and folk. He has gone on to be one of the most successful recording artists Australia has ever produced. With number one albums in Australia and sell-out tours, Butler's reputation has begun to rock the waters of both Europe and America. With bluegrass fingerpicking, hip hop beats and psychedelic wig-outs, Butler’s sound has elements of folk, funk, reggae and rock, and live shows have been described as uplifting and inspiring. Sponsored by: •Bent Paddle Brewing Co.• •Teresa Wagner & Dr. Tom Kvanbeck• Hand-picked inspired clothing boutique. DOWNTOWN ASHLAND Monday-Friday 10-6p.m. Saturday 10-5p.m. Sunday 11-3p.m. Ashland wisconsin historic mural capital of wisconsin .com/solsticeonmain 400 W Main St. Ashland 715.292.6561 Fun lodging properties, tasty affordable dining choices, and friendly people! FOR A FREE VISITOR GUIDE, SHOPPING & DINING GUIDE, & MURAL BROCHURE, CALL OR VISIT 800-284-9484 30 WWW.BIGTOP.ORG (715)373-5552 ∆Dance Alert We never know when joyous dancing or standing may break out. We try to make it fun for everyone. If you are not a dancer and don’t want to be caught behind one, try choosing seats in the mid-center or back sections.