Sean Cooney | Creatives Professional Design Portfolio | Page 2

My eye for design started in elementary school when I realized that I really do judge books by their covers . And not just books , but all sorts of products and advertisements . The visual appeal of a product , publication , or point-of-purchase is crucial because there are many people just like me who make decisions based on first visual impression .
Sean Cooney
Since those years in grade school , I have constantly analyzed packaging , billboards , magazine spreads , and more , simply to detect which aspects I like about the design , and which I don ’ t .
The past decade of gathering design ‘ data ’ has culminated in a slick , clean , and classy personal design style , sure to catch the eyes of those like me who associate visual aesthetics with overall quality . I invite you to take a look through my design portfolio to get a feel for my typography , publication design , photography and illustration .