Sea Level Rise 1 | Page 11


Magazine / April, 2013 11


The wetlands are considered to be biological supermarkets because they are the most diverse ecosystems. They are home to a wide range of mammals, birds, fish, inverbrates, plants and most importantly used for nurseries.

The wetlands also provide natural services that benefit the inhabitants. Such as: water filtration, storm protection, shoreline erosion control, food, and habitats.

When sea levels rise, these ecosystems will be effected in the worst way. There will no longer be a water filtration system that filters out pollution, the salinity in the estuaries and wetlands will be so high, that the animals that live in it now, will die or adapt to new environment. The flood control that the estuaries and wetlands provide will also be gone because a large portion of them have been built on for shopping malls and fancy hotels.