Sea Level Rise 1 | Page 11

(Texas Tribune)


Don't disturb the Wetlands









Restore the Wetlands

Regulate green-

house gases

Repave with permeable concrete

Plant trees

Use less heat/air conditioning

Take shorter showers

Turn off lights

Fossil fuel emission can cut through a number of different events. This includes driving less, buying local goods, using renewable resources, using less hot water, unpluging electronics, eating less meat, turning off lights, using less heat/air conditioning, and taking shorter showers (13). This means that less greenhouse gases are put into the air, which trap heat (13). By reducing the number of these, global warming will be curved, which causes sea levels to rise.

Wetlands function as buffers to protect inlands from flooding and are home to many different species (7). Since humans have developed on them, they are not able to protect inlands (7). So, by restoring and not disturbing them, our risk of flooding due to sea level rise is diminished.

As a result of humans paving over the natural environment, we have prevented water from penetrating aquifers, thus forcing it into the ocean, and ultimately rising sea-levels. To make a dent in this serious problem people should repave with permeable concrete.

Through education, encouragement, and taking action, everyday people can help sea levels from rising, which is a huge issue that will affect everyone.

7. "Coastal Areas." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, n.d. Web. 06 June 2014.

13. "Top Ways to Stop Global Warming." Home Guides. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 June 2014.