Sea Island Life Magazine Spring/Summer 2013 | Page 6

SEA ISLAND LIFE MAGAZINE s p r i n g /s u mme r 2013 departments 3. Wel c o me L et t er 10. Sea so n a l Fl av o r s: Fr esh C at c h 12. Un c o r k ed : Sea so n a l Sips 14 Somewhere beneath the water’s surface, about 60 miles offshore and swimming among old shipwrecks, are the fish that excite Sea Island chefs this time of year. A Sea Island sommelier shares some of her favorite spring and summer wines, complete with pairing notes. 14. Fa mil y Fir st : Go n e Fish in g Kids never forget catching their first fish as they begin a hobby that can last a lifetime. 16. So ut h er n St yl e: K een o n C o r a l Sometimes vibrant, sometimes subtle— there’s a shade of coral for everyone this season. 28 12 18. In t h e Swin g: Put t in g in a N ew D ir ec t io n Explore three innovative putting strategies offering alternatives to the traditional method of anchoring a belly putter. 20. Out wa r d Bo un d : St a n d -up Pr o 22. Min d + Bo dy: Fo un t a in o f Yo ut h Sea Island Life speaks with golfer Davis Love III about his passion for stand-up paddleboarding. More kids and teens are heading to the spa for the same wellness benefits adults seek. 24. Get Fit : Gyms Go H igh -T ec h The newest fitness equipment is interactive, personalized and, most importantly, effective. 26. O n t h e isl e: D id yo u k n o w? Discover fun facts and stories about your favorite island. 28. T r a d it io n s: R at t l e t h e Bag For more than 50 years, guests have been playing bingo at The Cloister at Sea Island. But bingo night is about more than games—it’s about families, tradition and making memories. 70. 74. spr ing/summer 2013 Isl a n d N ews & N o t es So c iet y Holiday happenings, National Geographic Live! with Andrew Zolli, “How to Play Squash ’Til 100” weekend, Presidents’ & Honeymooners’ Weekend 86. Sea Island lIfe T h en a n d N o w: T h e Beac h C l ub The Beach Club has been a staple of the Sea Island experience for generations. The Nex T-GeNer aTio N Golfer Finel y tuned athlete s hit the c ourse Wild To Table r eviving the olde s t culinar trend y UNexpe c Ted b ea UTy g eor gia ’s marshe s thr ough the lens FC_SeaIsland.indd 5 Keeping TradiTions alive Famil y time in the grea t outdoors 3/15/13 10:03 AM After his fish flie s off the hook, y oung fisherm an T hom as H eath dr op s his pole and trie s t o c at ch the bounty with his h and s . 6 sea isl and life | spring/summer 2013 SI_TOC-e_R2-e-H_v3_v4-e.indd 6 3/18/13 10:20 AM