Sea Island Life Magazine Spring/Summer 2013 | Page 28

traditions rattle the sack For more than 50 years , gue s t s ha ve been pla ying bingo a t out more than game T he Cl ois ter a t S ea Island . But bingo night is ab it’ s ab out familie s , tr adition and making memorie s. By am ber lanier na gle s— j ack Jenkins weaves through tables filled with colorful cards, cocktails and mocktails, and fierce competitors, drawing an electric energy from the crowd before making his way back to the front of the ballroom. “Rattle the sack, Jack! Shake the bag!” the crowd roars. The illustrious Jenkins abides—shaking and churning the purple bag before reaching in and plucking out one of the 75 balls. With all eyes glued on him, the 500 guests sit at the edge of their seats waiting for Jenkins to reveal the next number. After what feels like an eternity, Jenkins calls, “A couple of ducks! I-22!” On cue, the audience erupts into a chorus of whimsical quacks as guests scan their cards hoping to find the number 22. “Bingo night at The Cloister is a tradition here—it’s part of life,” says Frankie Strother, Sea Island’s director of membership and activities. “We think that bingo night spun off of early gaming activities some 50 years ago. Back in the day, our guests participated in crab races and other types of competitive games, and at some point, these activities evolved into more family-friendly nights of bingo.” But the game has changed a little since its early days at The Cloister. Strother mentions a slight shift in bingo’s Jack Jenkins, aka Billy Bingo 28 sea isl and life | spring/summer 2013 SI_TraditionsDept-R2.indd 28 3/18/13 2:25 PM