Sea Island Life Magazine Spring/Summer 2013 | Page 24
get fit
Gyms go high-tech
The ne we s t fi tne s s e quipmen t is in ter ac tive, pers onalized and
mo s t impor tan tl y, effe c tive.
By La ur a C ars on Mi ller and Lind
a D o mingo
ust as mobile phones and tablets put
a world of information in the palm of
your hand, fitness equipment—such
as treadmills, ellipticals and exercise
bikes—are following suit, embracing the
latest in technology and connectivity. From
touch screens to iPod connections to sensors
that record useful information (like calories
burned and heart rate) that can be shared
over the Internet, equipment manufacturers
are implementing high-tech capabilities to
keep users engaged.
At the forefront of this trend is Precor, a
company that designs and builds premium
fitness equipment. Sea Island Life sits down
with Precor Consumer Marketing Manager Jeff
Hall to discuss the changing face of fitness and
how to plug in and maximize your workouts.
“By far the most impressive
machine is the A MT (Adaptive
Motion Trainer),” says S teve Hall,
director of Fitness and S quash
at S ea Island, where new Precor
equipment was installed in
D ecember 2012. “It’s a unique
piece to Precor—basically a hybrid
elliptical, S tairmaster/S tepmaster
and A rc Trainer allowing a full
range of motion with zero impact.”
The Precor equipment is the
newest addition to the modern
facility, which also includes
indoor pools, Pilates, personal
training and yoga. “O ur clients are
impressed with all the functions
and options the new pieces offer,
and how ‘distracting’ the TV- and
Internet-capable console is, for
making the workouts go by more
quickly,” he adds.
Sea Island Life: What different capabilities
are we seeing with modern, high-tech fitness
Jeff Hall: Networked fitness equipment is
coming of age now. Most significant is the
personalization that is possible from this
technology. With touch screens and video on
the new machines, exercisers can get much
more information about a specific workout.
The newest machines also offer HD video
content, Internet connectivity, RSS news
feeds and iPhone connectors.
SIL: What are some of the ways this new
equipment keeps exercisers coming back
for more?
JH: Studies suggest that about one-third of
health club members quit each year. Often
it’s because a person fails to get guidance—
the blending of fitness and technology
makes greater personalization and education
possible. It makes the saving of all your
workout data easy and accessible. For instance,
a personal trainer can create today’s workout
plan for you based on the workout data that’s
been uploaded to your profile. This is great for
frequent travelers, as you can now work with
your personal trainer when you aren’t even in
the same city!
SIL: How can users of the new high-tech
equipment maximize its benefits?
JH: With all of the tracking now possible
to record and analyze, it’s easy to see
progress, set goals and stay motivated. The
outcome is exercisers who will remain more
engaged and achieve the results they want
in a safe and time-efficient way. m
24 sea isl and life | spring/summer 2013
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