Sea Island Life Magazine Spring 2015 | Page 24

GET FIT THE WATER’S FINE IMPROVE STRENGTH, BALANCE AND FLEXIBILITY WITH AQUA CARDIO WORKOUTS. BY KATARINA KOVACEVIC exercise longer in the water with less worry of associated muscle pain or soreness. At Sea Island, water workout classes take place five days a week. In the 45-minute Aqua Fit session, participants use special belts that keep them buoyant while working core muscles. There’s a strong focus on purposeful movement, moving slower, stretching and really getting the extension needed to strengthen key body parts. With the blue Georgia sky up above, the deep-water class takes place in Sea Island’s 25-meter outdoor pool and is an effective combination of cardio, endurance and flexibility. Those who are ready to amp up their routine can sign up for a private water workout with a trainer or try Sea Island’s Shallow Water Aerobics class, where they’ll use the pool floor to work and push harder. More of a pure cardio session, the class is approximately 35 minutes of walking and running in the water, followed by moves that work the upper body—including triceps, biceps and shoulders. Shallow Water Aerobics is all about the pool toys: webbed gloves for added resistance, foam buoys for bicep curls, and even pool noodles for stretching and strengthening. It all takes place in the resort’s state-of-the-art 65,000-square-foot spa and fitness center. Sea Island’s water workout classes are a healthy option for every family member at any fitness level. “Even people who are nonswimmers can do water aerobics,” Choate says. “They’re especially comfortable in the deep water because the belt keeps them safe. So many of us don’t get the flexibility and relaxation that we need, and that’s something that the water offers.” m PHOTO BY JOHNSON PICTURES INC. d uring the spring and summer months, being drawn to the water is only natural—whether it’s for lounging on the beach or splashing around in a pool. The warm-weather necessity is also a useful workout tool; with a little guidance, active bodies can burn calories and build strength while taking a dip. “Working out in the water gives your body the ability to move with a wide range of motion,” says M.J. Choate, one of Sea Island’s fitness instructors. “We should all be in the water more often.” It’s true— in the pool we can bend in ways that aren’t always possible on land. But, that’s just the beginning. Water-based exercise can decrease the risk of chronic illness, advance the use of ailing joints, and even improve mental health and mood. You can also Water workouts allow for a wider range of motion and less chance of injury. 24 SEA ISL AND LIFE | SPRING/SUMMER 2015 SI5_SpaFit-e_v2-e_v3-e.indd 24 3/20/15 3:11 PM