Sea Island Life Magazine Fall/Winter 2013 | Page 37

A CHASING GENTLEMAN BOB lthough many years have passed, i still clearly remember the vivid details of a painting my parents had in our home while growing up: a vibrant sunset with shades of yellow and A sport of the South, quail hunting is rich with tradition and history. BY DAMON M. BANKS of quail hunting as a father and son walk free from the worries of the world, with only their dogs in tow, a gun in one hand and a collection of their quail in the other. this sacred quail hunt has been a time-honored pastime for generations, and continues today, with the bobwhite quail still holding its appropriate anthropomorphism as “Gentleman Bob.” while these species may be equally as beautiful as they are tasty, the birds have Rich in Tradition Quail hunting has been a part of southern heritage enjoyed by numerous generations, regardless of age or class, for several hundred years. appropriately named for the bird that has historically symbolized the sport of southern gentry, Gentleman Bob has been a source of common ground for many who love the hunt and respect the tradition. these traditions and the proper etiquette associated with quail hunting go back to the days before smokeless powder. Gentlemen in coats and ties were accompanied by ladies in long hunting dresses, as they traveled by horses and wagons to the desigpointing dogs and their handlers around the traditional side-by-side shotguns, they were in pursuit of the next covey of quail to be discovthe exhilaration of the bobwhite quail being the hunt has been equally as satisfying for the farm kids armed with their father’s shotgun with only the help of the family’s hunting dog and a natural instinct. due to the thrill of the hunt and the traditions passed down through each generation, outdoor enthusiasts of all types have been privileged with the opportunity to pursue Gentleman Bob. The Quail Population of adrenaline by the hunter. the very same excitement that surrounds florida and Mexico. while the states of south Carolina, Georgia and alabama have the richest history when it comes to Gentleman Bob, states such as texas, tennessee and Kansas also have a very fond respect for the bird. there are several other species of quail such as the scaled, gambel’s and California quail scattered throughout the U.s. Unlike the bobwhite, these species are typically larger, but the beloved bobwhite quail is mostly found in the Middle atlantic states, the Great Plains, run, making them tricky to hunt with today’s pointing dogs. at the end of the day, the pageantry of hunting bobwhite quail in the south still commands a level of respect rarely found in the world of hunting today. relatively small, the average bobwhite quail is 8.5 to 10.5 inches tall and seldom lives more than a single year. they live and travel in a small group, or covey, of eight to 25 before the males and females begin to pair off for the mating season. the two-note whistle the male makes to attract a mate, as well as to signify the boundaries of his territory, is what sounds like “bob white.” females lay their eggs on the ground and cally producing two clutches each year. when the air to confuse the predator, making it more while the love of hunting bobwhite has still passed through generations, their habitat has sadly been reduced, resulting in the number of birds becoming largely diminished. “in the traditional southern quail states, bobwhite populations have declined to the point where some experts have considered listing them 36 sea isl and life | fall/winter 2013/14 SI2_Hunting-e_v3-e_v4.indd 36 9/17/13 11:23 AM