Amenities, etc.
Gift Shop
The Gift Shop is open Monday - Friday
from 10:00am - 2:00pm. Our lovely
volunteers will be pleased to show you
some of our newest items: purses,
scarves, belts, hats, greeting cards, cold
drinks, snacks, and more to come!
Funds from the Gift Shop go towards
improvements to the Center.
Sea Country is looking for help in our
Gift Shop. Stop by our front desk to
get more information.
The Library is open daily from 9:00am - 4:00pm. Enjoy the
use of our conference table which allows laptop computers
to be plugged in and powered up (WiFi Ready). Books are
also available for check-out on the honor system. We ask
that you take 3-4 books at a time and bring them back to
the return basket. The Library Committee asks that the
hard-bound covered books be returned within 2 weeks.
Looking for book donations. Hard and soft cover,
and large print books preferred. No encyclopedias
or text books please.