Sea Country Activity Guide Summer 2017 | Page 19

Community Classes

P A G E 19
Ukulele is making a big comeback ! Come join our beginning ukulele class and learn how to amuse yourself and amaze your friends . You will learn basic strums , chords , and a bit of music theory to guide you along . Instructor : Ross Costa
12:30pm - 1:30pm Cost :$ 80 */ 8wks
June 7-July 26
Thurs .
7:00pm - 8:00pm
Cost :$ 80 */ 8wks
June 8-July 27
This next level of ukulele instruction will focus on advanced chords & rhythms . Students should be familiar with the chord families of C , F & G . We will be learning some jazz and pop standards and more complicated Hawaiian tunes in this class .
Tues 7:00pm - 8:00pm Cost :$ 80 */ 8wks Date : June 6-July 25 * No Class July 4
*$ 10 cash material fee is payable to instructor at class . Call Instructor to sign up , ( 949 ) 364-1643 or email at rossini05 @ hotmail . com
Learn the process of translating a simple photograph into a compelling painted image . The instructor will demonstrate how to focus on composition , color , line , mood and paint application as well as his style and process of painting at the first class . This class is open to all skill levels . Material list provided at the time of registration . Visit the Front Desk to register . Instructor : Ebriham Amin
Tues 6:00pm - 9:00pm Cost :$ 136 / 6wks Activity # 9322 May 16-June 20 Activity # 9336 July 11-Aug 15
Taekwondo is a fun and safe way for the whole family to get in better shape , increase flexibility and learn the valuable art of self defense . Taekwondo helps kids develop better selfdiscipline , get better grades , and get in better shape . The classes are taught by Ken DuBose , 7th Degree Black Belt , with over 30-years teaching experience . * Each additional immediate family member receives 50 % discount .
Call instructor for pricing & to sign-up at ( 949 ) 395-2050 .
Mon ./ Thurs . 6:00pm-8:00pm $ 80 / mo * 7yearold + Ongoing * * No Class 9 / 4
From the oven to your tummy , chefs will be inspired to cook , create and experiment in the kitchen . Come mix , mash , and mingle with us and make lots of zesty new friends in the process . All weeks will be different so come to one or come to all .
Have questions about the class ? Contact : Culinary Kids directly at ( 949 ) 292-4720 or www . culinarykids . biz .
*$ 45 material fee is payable to the instructor on the first day . ** $ 36 material fee for the week of July 3rd . Register at Sea Country ’ s Front Desk ( 949 ) 425-5151
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Cost :$ 175 *
Activity # 9323
Jun 19-23
Activity # 9324
Jun 26-30
Activity # 9328
Jul 3-7 ** Cost : $ 140
Activity # 9325
Jul 10-14
Activity # 9326
Jul 17-21
5-12 yrs .
** No Class on July 4th