Sea Country Activity Guide Summer 2017 | Page 13

PAGE13 Computer Classes Computer Classes are 6 weeks Instructor: Lavi Istrate COMPUTER BASICS Learn the basics in order to operate your computer, including Windows 7 or Vista; learn to use their most used features, learn to place personal pictures on your computer desktop, use folders to organize your documents and pictures, use CDs and Flash drives. Tues 10:00am - 12:00pm Cost: $36 Activity# 9341 May 30-June 27 HANDS ON PROJECTS Get ready to explore the online wide world sites, by searching, visiting and shopping online; listen to podcasts, read blogs & books, do virtual listen to your favorite music or talk-shows, tips about banking online. You may bring your own laptop or tablet. Optional: Use Microsoft PowerPoint to create greeting cards and personal presentations from tr ips, family events, your memoirs using pictures. ( Pre-requisite: Internet & Email, Gmail account) Wed 10:00am-12:00pm Activity# 9345 May 31-July 5 Cost: $36 INTERNET & EMAILS ESSENTIALS DIGITAL CAMERA, CD’S, CELLPHONE PHOTOS Learn how to surf the web conveniently and efficiently with the most popular browsers, learn to create and use your own email address, to sign in and out of your email, create, manage and use your contacts list. Learn to send, receive and manage your emails, and more. Learn how to download photos from your digital camera, a CD, or smart-phone to your computer; enhance the photos, rotate the ones that need it and be able to change the brightness and contrast and start using them in your projects. (Prerequisite: Flash drive 4Gb, or 8Gb, digital camera or cell phone connection wires). Thurs 10:00am - 12:00pm Cost: $36 Wed 1:00pm - 3:00pm Activity# 9344 Activity# 9342 June 1-July 6 Cost: $36 May 31-July 5 INTERNET & EMAIL BEYOND BASICS II GOOGLE DOCS & PHOTO ALBUMS Learn how to organize and manage favorite websites, how to remove cookies, history entries and other tracking information, how to set a personalized homepage, how to email pictures, documents and other miscellaneous files, and how to send emails to several people at once the right way. ( Pre-requisite: Internet & Email Essentials) Learn the magic of Google programs “cloud based” basics most used to write notes or letters, to create flyers, “to do” lists, and more using the new modern technology. Learn to create useful spreadsheets such as monthly expenses, easy budgets, and how to make greeting cards. Learn how to make changes in a document, how to save and send via email. (Pre-requisite: Internet & Email, Gmail account) Tues 1:00pm - 3:00pm Cost: $36 Activity# 9343 May 30-June 27 Thurs 1:00pm - 3:00pm Cost: $36 Activity# 9346 June 1-July 6