Games & Activities
Billiards Room
Don’t miss out on the fun in
our Billiards room. The room
is open Monday - Friday from
9:00am - 4:00pm. If you enjoy
a game of billiards, come by
and try out our tables!
Table Tennis
Come play a game of Table
Tennis! For more information on when and where
to play, visit the front desk!
Come enjoy a game of backgammon in our Sun
Room. Group Leaders are available to assist with
rules of the game. Backgammon is played Monday
9:00am - 12:00pm and Friday 9:00am - 11:30am.
For more information, please visit our front desk.
Craft and Chat
The Craft and Chat ladies are in need of donations.
They use donations of yarn, baby yarn, and fabric
to make items for non-profit organizations.
Please drop off donations at our front desk