SE Surgery News December 2024 | Page 3


What are the reasons for using Densah drills ? According to research , Densah ® drills have several potential advantages : The drills can be used in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions . When rotating clockwise ( CW ), the drills cut and remove bone similar to regular implant drills . When rotated counterclockwise ( CCW ), the drills offer additional opportunities for bone preservation and densification . Unlike traditional implant drilling methods that remove bone , Densah ® drills preserve bone structure by compacting bone particles into surrounding trabecular bone when drilling counterclockwise ( CCW ) ( Lahens 2016 , Huwais 2017 , Ibrahim 2024 ). In suitable situations , bone expansion can even be achieved , especially around the implant shoulder ( Frizzera 2022 ).
Bone preservation and osseodensification result in a denser bone structure around the implant and increase bone-to-implant contact ( BIC ), which in turn improves primary stability and promotes better osseointegration of implants ( Lahens 2016 , Huwais 2017 , Ibrahim 2024 ).
These features make Densah ® drills an excellent addition to softer bone implantations . They also improve the success of immediate implantations . I have personally used these drills for traditional implantations as well , as their cutting properties and tactile sensation are very good .
Ilkka Pallonen DDS
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon , Finland Terveystalo Kamppi Helsinki ,
Oral Sumeliuksenkatu Tampere
Is there a particular implant brand or model that works well with Densah ® drills ? These drills work well with all implants . That ’ s one of the major advantages . Densah ® drills come in different sizes and shapes , allowing for variation in osteotomies . This makes my work easier as I can implement multiple implant brands and models with the same set of instruments .
Could I use my own implant brand drills counterclockwise to compact bone ? One can try anything , but I wouldn ’ t recommend it and you and your patient wouldn ’ t be happy with the result . Densah ® drills are specifically designed for osseodensification . When used counterclockwise , they do not remove bone ; instead , they compact it due to their design , effectively cooling the area at the same time ( Jimbo 2014 , Huwais 2015 ). Traditional drills are not designed for this type of use .
When bone is not removed but compacted , aren ’ t you concerned about bone overheating ? Research shows that counterclockwise or clockwise Densah ® drilling does not produce more heat than traditional drills ( Trisi 2016 , Huwais 2017 , Soldatos 2022 ). Due to the shape of the drills , when drilling counterclockwise , fluid flows to