Yxoss CBR ® protect – Designed for an even easier removal
The open structure of Yxoss CBR ® classic enables periosteal vascularization that is essential for bone regeneration . In certain cases , excessive bone formation in the apical part of the titanium scaffold can hamper its removal due to soft and hard tissue ingrowth . To overcome this challenge Yxoss CBR ® protect features a microporous structure in the apical area which allows an even easier removal .
Marketed by
The regeneration experts
The periosteal blood supply continues to be promoted in the upper part of the scaffold with the open structure
Dense microstructure for apical edge zones 1 › Protects the apical area from soft and hard tissue ingrowth › Enables even easier removal
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Biological background
Periosteal nutrition : +++ Maturation of the bone is dependent on the vascularization of the periosteal vessels
Ingrowth of soft and hard tissue : NO Higher occlusivity due to denser Yxoss CBR ® protect structure leads to less intergrowth with tissue cells
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