SDN 5 Pemenang Timur | Page 8


In July and August of 2018, the northern regions of the island of Lombok, Indonesia, were struck by several earthquakes, which caused hundreds of deaths and massive damage to houses and public infrastructure, including more than 600 school buildings. In the following months, the government, various NGOs, and private stakeholders began to rebuild and renovate some schools. Despite these efforts, many schools are still trying to function without adequate learning spaces or facilities.

East Pemenang 5 Primary School was one such school. The school is located in the East Pemenang Village in North Lombok. This combined Islamic and Buddhist community was hit badly by the 2018 earthquakes when the school’s six classrooms, staff room, and library were damaged beyond repair. This school received a pop up school from COH after the earthquakes as a temporary solution to get children back into school and learning.

Since then, the government has been able to rebuild six classrooms, one of which is utilised as the staff room. The school was still one classroom short, and some classes rotated morning and afternoon to allow all students to attend their lessons.

Photo Description:

The temporary pop up school built at SDN 5 Pemenang Timur.