SdE Teachers Handbook V4 | Page 64

LEARNING OUTCOME LO6 Students can evaluate the sustainable impact of new and existing business LEVEL Understanding
SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOME 6.1 Students can evaluate a product , process or strategy taking into account sustainability
PERSON IN CHARGE ( NAME and EMAIL ) Maria Cristina Galeasso ( m . galeasso @ aproformazione . it )
The didactic material is made up of sheet in which the topic is addressed The pupils can follow it alone , in group or with the teacher . The form consists of a theoretical part in which activities with different methodological approaches for in-depth analysis , reflection and verification are inserted . The topics in the material are : THEORY : Content :
• Definition of impact
• Total impact of business : economic , environmental , social impact
• Examples of sustainable impact in business
GOAL 1 :
• Understand the idea of impact related to business ’ products , processes or strategies
• Understand how business can make their products , processes or strategies more sustainable
BUSINESS CASE : How is my smartphone made ? GOAL 2 :
• Understand how the production of a smartphone is done
• Understand how the production of a smartphone affects environment and society Identify if sustainability can be improved in the production of a smartphone
The teacher can use the material as a tool to use in class to introduce the the topic of sustainable development . In particular , the teacher can deliver the document to the students , in paper format or better in digital format , and decide how to use it according to their needs . It offers the possibility to be used in multiple teaching methods : from simple frontal lessons to cooperative learning , to the flipped classroom . The teacher can decide whether to let some parts of the material develop independently , either individually to each student or in a group . He can propose insights by watching the recommended videos and provide , together with the class , to the calculation of the ecological footprint of each student . There are also some interesting activity linked to the path that can be done with interdisciplinary approach with the collaboration of other teachers . Each part of the path can be accompanied by brain storming in relation to the observations that emerged . In the paper there are some questions to evaluate to evaluate the knowledge learned and their opinions on the topics covered .