LO2 The Students can follow the principles of sustainable development and environmental system management
LEVEL Understanding
1.2.4 Student can explain how 17 goals of Agenda 2030 are taken into account in their own country and in different companies .
PERSON IN CHARGE ( NAME and EMAIL ) Maria Cristina Galeasso ( m . galeasso @ aproformazione . it )
The didactic material is made up of sheet in which the topic is addressed The pupils can follow it alone , in group or with the teacher . The form consists of a theoretical part in which activities with different methodological approaches for in-depth analysis , reflection and verification are inserted . The topics in the material are :
THEORY : Agenda 2030 SDGs . Content :
• 17 Goals
• 4 underlying principles : 1 . Universal 2 . Integrate each dimensions of sustainability ( economic , environmental , social ) 3 . Leave no one behind 4 . Participation of all
• Recognize the main topics addressed by the 17 SDGs
• Understand how SDGs may be relevant to me / us
• Answer questions : - how SDGs affect my life - what can I do to achieve SDGs - which are the most relevant SDGs for your city , region and country ?
The teacher can use the material as a tool to use in class to introduce the the topic of sustainable development . In particular , the teacher can deliver the document to the students , in paper format or better in digital format , and decide how to use it according to their needs . It offers the possibility to be used in multiple teaching methods : from simple frontal lessons to cooperative learning , to the flipped classroom . The teacher can decide whether to let some parts of the material develop independently , either individually to each student or in a group . He can propose insights by watching the recommended videos and provide , together with the class , to the calculation of the ecological footprint of each