SdE Teachers Handbook V4 | Page 37

are also some interesting activity linked to the path that can be done with interdisciplinary approach with the collaboration of other teachers . Each part of the path can be accompanied by brain storming in relation to the observations that emerged . In the paper there are some questions to evaluate to evaluate the knowledge learned and their opinions on the topics covered .
Overall : https :// aproformazionemy . sharepoint . com /: b :/ g / personal / m _ galeasso _ aproformazione _ it / EUS286cEnfhBlK9yWF5G0X0BJKLc- Xnl4kLhChh5xKgw2g ? e = sgmLpT ( still to be translated from IT to EN )
Theory 1 : Creation of text on sustainability ’ s definition . Pdf Brundtland : https :// online . scuola . zanichelli . it / 50lezioni / files / 2010 / 01 / RapportoBrundtland . pdf ( still to be translated from IT to EN )
Theory 2 : Sustaibale development : https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = 7V8oFI4GYMY
Videos linked to social dimension of sustainability ( economical and environmental ones are developed in nex t LOs ). It explains the relationship between Rights and Sustainable Development : https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = ozT5DWs4zd4 Video for answer at the question “ Development is a human right ?” https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = pdKfypBTtdI Theory 3 : Sustainability in everyday life https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = kZIrIQDf1nQ Calculate ecological footprint ( personal responsability , Gov responsabilit ) https :// www . footprintcalculator . org /
METHODS FOR TRAINERS -Discussion : consists of a confrontation of ideas between two or more people ( trainer-student and between students ). During the discussion the role of the trainer essentially becomes that of an assistant , helping the student in his learning . -Frontal lesson : the teacher presents the topics in a unidirectional manner ; the transmission of concepts is linked to the communicative ability of the teacher . - Case study : it is a methodological strategy based on reflections in relation to a real or likely situation , on which hypotheses and possible solutions can be advanced . - Cooperative learning : this strategy seeks to optimize collaboration and mutual support between students through group work in which each student deals with a specific aspect of the work . - Problem solving : is based on the analysis of the problem in order to identify the solution using discovery or intuition . - Brainstorming : pupils can express himself in a completely free way and without the risk of receiving criticism , in relation to a specific topic . - Flipped classroom : the lesson becomes homework while the time in the classroom is used for collaborative activities , experiences , debates and workshops . For this metodology we can have materials to use at home and the teacher does not take on the role of leading actor , but rather becomes a sort of facilitator , the director of the didactic action .