Here Ricardo Bedoya SUMZINE magazine, How's it going in the band?
Hello from the Capital Region of Upstate New York! David Seacord here. It’s going well! We just did our “CD release” show up here at the beginning of the month of July and it was a pretty big success for us...otherwise, we are working on scheduling more shows. We have five or six coming up at this time with hopefully more in the personal goal is to branch out whenever we can and eventually play our music overseas. Also, our guitarist Dave Matthews is preparing to do some recording for his second album with his other band Skinless soon, as well as continuing to build his line of DMOG (Dave Matthews Original Guitars) guitars. And our drummer John has been playing with and preparing to do some recording with his other group Burial, who do very brutal, guttural death metal.
1 -Let's start by talking about "PREY FOR US"?
Ok, PREY FOR US is our second release but the first with a label attached, Ultimate Massacre Productions, who we are very proud to be associated with! We truly believe that this is the best music we’ve ever made and for me personally I put a lot of heart, pain, hurt and hope into it if that makes sense. We recorded the album “when we could,” in between work schedules with our friends Chris Costakis and Jared Weed of Crunchmaker studios. They did a phenomenal job with the mix! Then I got a line on getting mastering done with Alan Douches at the renowned West West Side Studio, and he provided us with a devastating-yet-clear master. We lucked out and were able to get killer artwork from Remy at Headsplit design, thanks to Serge and Mallika at UMP, and they of course helped us with the rest of getting the album out there.
As an artist, yes there are always things that you “wish” you could’ve done differently, but the end result is something I’m very happy with, especially the songs!
2 What is the meaning and inspiration of the CD title "PREY FOR US"?
“PREY FOR US” is a play on words. “PREY” as in what a predator eats instead of “PRAYing to God.” Dave Matthews came up with the original idea and it goes like this:
in the USA we have not only forces in our government but also religious organizations that always want us afraid of “others.” At the same time, whenever there’s violence in this country that results in mass-killing, which is practically every day, these same people and entities will offer the meaningless gesture of “we’re sending our thoughts and prayers,” which doesn’t really help anyone affected by the violence. After a few days or a week or so of “thoughts and prayers,” this country always seems to collectively shrug it’s shoulders, and then the next mass murder occurs, and the cycle repeats itself. So, while you give us your “thoughts and prayers,” there’s always someone preparing to murder again that you’re not stopping, so you can “PRAY” all you want, you’re really just “PREY” for the people who would rather you be dead and you’re not really doing anything to stop them.