4 ‐ What has prepared for the cover art , what is this concept ?
to date we have not had me to make the " cover art " we ' re doing this for the concept of brain Stroming maybe a li le cross in the shadow of the destruc on of the world and we are very cruel monsters and scary
5 ‐ Tell us about the scene in your country
In our opinion for the metal scene in our country is growing by leaps and bounds sapangat , as well as for the audience because quite a lot of metal bands from Indonesia has managed to go interna onal , and they also produced albums by foreign countries .
With their promo shake enough , with a wide variety of touring the con nent .
6 ‐ How are the concerts of the band ?
For a concert in Indonesia is very good and interna onal stages can even be said to be the best in the con nent of Asia . With the “ Hammer Sonic Fes val ".
7 ‐ What are your favorite movies ?
Grouping Bogor , Indonesia DEATH METAL , we answer some questions and demonstrate good staging and skill in music , is a new promise of DEATH METAL Nearby , answer these questions to the Colombian scene -
We just like to watch some metal concerts very large and magnificent ha‐ha Lol
8 ‐ What has been the response from fans and press extreme demo ?
A brutal gree ngs from Colombia , my name is Ricardo Bedoya Director SCUMZINE , how are things going with the band ?
yes , very pleasant to talk with you thanks before
1‐Let ' s talk about how video was produced ? And whose idea was it ?
In our clip vidio is en tled “ The Lord of moral decay " we tried to produce this for our promo in 2012 . In the process of making this vidio is very simple , with simple equipment which we tried to produce a work that is good enough possible without the help of a friend of our friends were very suppor ve of us up to this moment , it all will never be finished . My friends say terimaksih to friends and family “ INFITAR “ that has supported us so far . the concept of " The Lord of moral decay " we talked about the leadership that we think it is very shortsighted and full of greed therefore we try to combine it with our music style " Death Metal " Cenk is our friend ever drum fill in " INFITAR " and it was he who had the idea of it all , and then followed by La f guitarist . And they both were designing it all . Do not forget to " Ridho guitarist " , he also helped pour all brilliant ideas to produce a good concept . In the produc on process it all under the auspices of the friends of our community . Pre y much come and help us , and I am very grateful .
2 ‐ What is the story of " Merely GROW THEN DIE "?
” Merely GROW THEN DIE " tells the story of a human life , with otanya filled with ambi on ambi on very stupid and useless . it will only make him all the more stupid and helpless with all the ro enness that he had unwi ngly he will only con nue to be a twit culture and live a life that does not know the direc on and goals , ignorance will con nue to be protracted and will end in death ! The short man is useless , and do not know what the meaning of life he can only grow and die !
3 ‐ Tell us about " ROTATTION OF THE SUN ", has any label interested ?
" ROTATTION OF THE SUN " is the theme for our first album which is planned to be released in 2014 " ROTATTION OF THE SUN " has a concept and an idea at the end of the day . Where the destruc on of the world is coming , and a few other songs that tell the life samapai beginning of the end . We make this concept quite short , because we pack it in a full‐lenght album . To date we have not entered into an agreement with the label because we are looking for a label that we think is good in working together . Maybe this year we will get the label
4 ‐ What has prepared for the cover art , what is this concept ?
to date we have not had me to make the " cover art " we ' re doing this for the concept of brain Stroming maybe a li le cross
They are quite happy and sa sfied listening to our songs , even they con nue to support us so that we finish the album , and some of them want to have a quickfast from our album