SCUMZINE edición #5 scumzina magazine | Página 61

4 - RIPPING FLESH on the part of the lyrics can say it is a band or apocalyp c talk about demons and dark en es , what can you tell us the theme of the band ? We manage an influence directly from old horror literature an Lovecra ian lore as a main topic for the lyrics of this album , we were alble to re create the obscure universe of lovecra bringing a realm of chaos and destruc on were we talk about the transcendence of conciousness towards parallel worlds unknown were unearthly creatures dwell hiding the true meaning of life and holding the secrets of the universe we the human concep on will be eradicated .
5-Without hesita on COLOMBIAN T O U R S D E A T H R O A D , p a s s e d Villavicencio saw how the scene ? We had a great me in Villavicencio thanks to the organiza on and also the crowd was exelent and we had a great me with the bands , there was also another date for the tour in Bogota where we also par cipated . and what do you plan to cover the band ? At this moment we are almost done with the recording of the '' episodes of chao c ex nc on '' we can give you a heads up about the music is going to be brutal because we had p u t a l o t o f e ff o r d o n t h e composi on we hope a lot of people like it . also we can tell you that the cover and layouts were desing by Tony Koehl form La verne California this art is already on our hands to finish the CD , Tony has done a great job on the cover .
8-The band has a busy schedule of concerts What can you tell about these experiences ? We have done pre y well on the concerts thanks to this we ' ve been able to travel to diferent parts of the country an get to know the metal escene from other ci es . we are also trying to focus most of the me into the recording .
9 - How does the band Mario SANDOVAL , what does he bring to the recording and the group ? And what happened to his former guitarist ?
A er ale xle the band for personal issues we decide to contact Mario which we have meet before and he was able to be a part
6-Tell us about your fi rst demo " DEMONIC INCANTATION " What was the response of the scene ? Actually this demo was something that w e d i d i n r e g a r d s t h e p e r s o n a l development of the band to hear what we were doing and correct all the mistakes , we didn ' t make any of this material publical due to its sound and produccion we did not think that dis will be a good representa on of the band at the moment .
7 - How is the process of recording the new album , can you tell us of " EPISODES OF EXTINCTION CHAOTIC "?