we have played with very good colombians bands , such as : Amputated Genitals , Masacre , Suppura on , Evil Darkness , Bacteremia , Phalogore and many others , playing in many great Fes vals in our Country . Alson we have played with great world known bands , such as : Lividity , Avulsed , Putrid Pile , Ca le Decapita on , Bloodsoaked , Entombed . The idea is to con nue playing in more ci es around Colombia and if it ' s posible to travel abroad soon .
1-Here Ricardo Bedoya of SCUMZINE How are things in Vehementer ? ( Answered by Fernando González – Bass & Alex Tovar - Guitar ) Hey What ' s up Ricardo !! Ww want to thank the sapce on SCUMZINE and your total support , we want to greet all the people who read this , and those who have followed the band trough the years , almost 10 , specially the people in Villavicencio and all the people in Colombia and around the world . VEHEMENTER staff go well these days , full of expecta ons this year with the New Album , a New Video Clip and some merchandising to come up with .
2 - let ' s talk about the theme of the band ? And what is the process of musical composi on ? VEHEMENTER as a Grind Death band , tellas about bizarre topics , aberra ons , deprava ons and all sicknesses which a ack humans , the grotesque showing , Fernando is in charge with the lyrics , taking into accout gore and horror films . The idea is to reach a hard sense and there ' s always material to take , beacuse of the mental ro ness and hatred from humans . In the composing process , we like to work together , many pauses and hard riffs without being monotonous and predictable . Diego has a big part of that , beacuse od his musical background and experience , all the songs take their form just like we want … jejeje
3 - What material is on the market , and do tell me about it ? And what was the response from fans and press extreme ? On 2004 , we launched a Demo CD in order to show the Band , which help us top lay in events of Death Metal . On 2009 , we launched our EP “ Season of Flesh and Deprava on ”, With Diego Forero ( ex-Holy Shit and ex - Caranagia ) as an engineer . On 2010 , the pand par cipated on a Colombian Death Metal Compila on , “ Into Deepest oh Human Depravity Vol . 1 ” produced CODM , which was distributed abroad . All these apari ons took the band to another level and permit us top lay with very good na onal and interna onal bands . We hope with the last album we can go further .
4 - Tell us about the new album that ' s coming out this year ? What do you hope to achieve with this work ? This year we are going to launch the album “ P E R C E P T I O N O F M E N TA L ABUSE ”, it has a very definited sound , the matureness on the lyrics and music is showed . We have many expecta ons on it , and we have spent much me on it to have a very good result . Hope to be more recognized abroad and play it alive as much as we can .
5-Vehementer already a well known group in Bogota tell us about the concerts , and other metal fest ? We ' re glad to have recieved that good respond from the people , we have done a very honest work through these years ,
6 - How do you look at the scene in Colombia BRUTAL DEATH METAL ? And compared to the other scenes of the world ? The colombian escene has grown more and more , with great bands and very good Discographic Works . Colombian Death Metal is making a great job around the world , it ' s more recognized everyday , besides our bands are par cipa ng in great fes vals in Europe and USA .
8-final comment Thank you Ricardo , thanks to all the Villavicencio and Colombian escene for the support through these almost 10 years of career , hope to keep coun ng on you and hope our new Album will be brutal and blas ng to your ears . Visit us on Facebook , Twi er , Myspace and Youtube . STAY BRUTAL AND SICK …!!!!!!!