SCUK Amendments to Workshop Organiser | Page 4

Guidance on Booking a Workshop Below, you will find information on how to organise a Sports Coach UK workshop, the journey your booking takes and key dates when we will be in contact with you. Please notify the Workshop Booking Centre immediately if any of these steps are not met. Decide on when you want to run the workshop and book a suitable venue. The workshop organiser is responsible for making all the necessary arrangements with the workshop venue (including payments) and supplying equipment. If you are unsure about what makes the right venue or what equipment is required, please refer to the Coach Workshops Venue Specification Checklist in this document (page 4). These details are also on our website: The Workshop organiser (WO) completes a Workshop Request Form (WRF) (one form to be completed per workshop) and emails, posts or faxes it to the Workshop Booking Centre (WBC). Please make sure all sections are completed and that you do this at least six weeks prior to the intended workshop date so we can allocate an accredited tutor to your requested date (where possible, provide alternative dates.) If less than four weeks’ notice is given, an added fast-track fee will be incurred. The WBC receives the WRF and enters the details on to our event management system. Key Date 1 – Within 48 hours of receiving the WRF, the WBC will send an email confirmation to the WO, confirming that the booking has been received. Please check all the details are correct and notify the WBC ASAP if they are not. (If a confirmation is not sent to you, it may mean that we have not received your WRF.) The WBC will contact accredited tutors in your area to check availability. If no tutor is available, we will check the availability of tutors in neighbouring regions. If there is still no tutor available, we will contact you and ask for alternative dates. Key Date 2 – Once a tutor has been allocated to your workshop, the WBC will send an email confirmation to both the WO and tutor. (If a confirmation is not received at least four weeks prior to the workshop date, please notify the WBC.) You will need to take bookings and payments directly from your delegates. You will also need to provide delegates with booking confirmations, maps and any other relevant information when they book on to a workshop. Please ask delegates to arrive early so the workshop can begin on time. For an effective learning environment, we recommend there should be no fewer than six and no more than 25 delegates per workshop (with the exception of the ‘Safeguarding and Protecting Children’ suite of workshops where the maximum is 20 and ‘Keeping Safe in Sport: Safeguarding for Young Volunteers [13+]’ where the maximum is 16). The strongly recommended minimum age for attendees is 16 years. For the ‘Safeguarding and Protecting Children’ suite of workshops, the attendees must be aged over 16 years. Attendees under 16 will not be certificated. Key Date 3 – Approximately 10–14 working days prior to your workshop taking place, we will email the WO, asking you to confirm the workshop is going ahead and provide a purchase order (PO) number and the quantity of resources required. We will also need to be provided with the name and address of the organisation to be invoiced, as well as a name and address for delivery. These details need to be received by the WBC via email no later than five working days before the workshop is 2