month we feature a selection
of your letters ChatEach
We ’ re still looking for a new prize for a Star Letter , so please bear with us for a while longer . It ’ s a difficult time for the diving industry , so sponsorships are a tricky proposition at the moment .
Send your letters to simon @ scubamagazine . co . uk
Million Mile : Loving the litterpick
WHEN MY CLUBMATES STUART Hawkins , Nicola Grey and I read about the Million Mile Beach Clean Campaign in SCUBA magazine earlier this year , we knew we wanted our club to play a part .
Our nearest beach is an RSPB Nature
Reserve , Rainham Marshes in Purfleet , next to the Thames . We decided to clean up the beach in front of this area , because there is a lot of rubbish by the Bird Sanctuary and beach . We wanted to remove the rubbish before it got washed into the river and out to the sea . This was a no-brainer , as it supports the health and welfare of the wildlife in the nature reserve , the river and the sea ; and supports the campaign at the same time .
There was some planning involved before
Achilles heel
SHORTLY AFTER A DEEP DIVE OF 53 metres at Chepstow quarry , I felt a severe pain at the back of my right ankle . My first thought was that my fin spring was digging into my heel . When I went to remove my fins , I noticed the rubber triangle protecting the spring on my ankle was not in the right position . This pain soon went from bad to worse .
After painkillers by the bucket load and hot and cold compresses , nothing seemed to help .
After a few days I started to get really concerned , thinking maybe I was experiencing a bend .
I decided to call the Midland Dive Chamber , whose representatives told me to come in . After a thorough examination from Dr
Mike , into the pot I went . After two hours there was a slight improvement . Over four consecutive days we continued the treatment , but with no real improvement .
Well heeled
Dr Mike concluded something else was happening and advised me to visit A & E . After what seemed like an eternity , two doctors and several very helpful nurses
Down at heel