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PMS Connectivity Pagina 8 van 16 3. Update rates and availability 3.1 OTA_HotelAvailNotifRQ Each time when data changes in the pms system, this data must be sent to Cubilis. Only data that has been changed, may be sent to through. There are a few settings in Cubilis which may affect the updates that were sent by the pms system: - A pm system can always adjust the availability in Cubilis. But if a pms system wants to adjust the price, minimum stay, maximum stay, checkin, checkout or close, the option in Cubilis must be active. - When a pms system sends a price, minimum stay, maximum stay, checkin, checkout or close to Cubilis and the previous option is active, the updates will be made for 1 module (Logis Manager or another partner). If the other partners have to be updated too, the option for this must be activated in Cubilis. - The availability that was sent to Logis Manager or another partner, will be saved in Cubilis without any calculation on the availability. Then Cubilis will synchronize the availability of the other partners. During this synchronization Cubilis can perform a calculation on the availability. The calculated data will be saved for the other partners. Level Element 0 OTA_HotelAvailNotifRQ @Version Type C M 2 3 3 4 M M C O AvailStatusMessage @BookingLimit StatusApplicationControl @InvCode @Start @End C O M M M M @RatePlanID 1 1 @xmlns POS AvailStatusMessages @BrandCode O LengthsOfStay LengthOfStay @Time C O M Description Root Element. The version number of the protocol that is used to connect to Cubilis. Only value “2.0” is allowed. The xml namespace that is used. Authentication (see page 5). Grouping of AvailStatusMessage. The ID of the partner that must be updated. When there is no BrandCode, Logis Manager will be updated. The amount of free rooms. Information about the time period and the roomtype. The ID of the roomtype. The start date must be later than the current date. The end date must be later than the start date. The end date is not included in the time period. The ID of the rateplan. When there is no RatePlanID, it would be the same as if RatePlanID = 0. Grouping of LengthOfStay. Option to define the length of stay, checkin or checkout. When Time > 0, Time contains information about the length of stay.