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PMS Connectivity Pagina 5 van 16 2. Request room information 2.1 OTA_HotelRoomListRQ When a new hotel is connected, the roomtypes and rateplans must be connected in the pms system. On the basis of the IDs the roomtypes and rateplans can be mapped. The OTA_HotelRoomListRS response contains the roomtype and rateplan IDs. Level Element Type 0 OTA_HotelRoomListRQ C @Version M 1 1 2 @xmlns POS HotelRoomLists HotelRoomList O M C M Description Root Element. The version number of the protocol that is used to connect to Cubilis. Only value “2.0” is allowed. The xml namespace that is used. Authentication (see page 5). Grouping of HotelRoomList. C = collection, M = mandatory, O = optional ... 2.2 OTA_HotelRoomListRS Level Element 0 OTA_HotelRoomListRS @Version 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 @xmlns Success HotelRoomLists HotelRoomList @HotelCode RoomStays RoomStay RoomTypes RoomType @IsRoom @RoomID Type Description C Root Element. M The version number of the protocol that is used to connect to Cubilis. Only value “2.0” is allowed. M The xml namespace that is used. O Indicates that a valid response is returned. C Grouping of HotelRoomList. M A list of all roomtypes and rateplans per hotel. M The ID of the hotel. C Grouping of RoomStay. C Grouping of RoomTypes en RatePlans. There is 1 roomtype per RoomStay. C Grouping of Roomtype. C Information about the roomtype. M Indicates if the roomtype is a room. There could be a roomtype meeting room, then the value of IsRoom is false. M The ID of the roomtype.