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PMS Connectivity Pagina 11 van 16 4. Retrieve reservations 4.1 OTA_HotelResRQ Cubilis can’t push the reservations, a request must be sent to retrieve the reservations. We advise to send a request every 5 minutes. Level Element 0 OTA_HotelResRQ @Version 1 1 1 2 @xmlns POS UniqueID @Type @ID HotelReservations HotelReservation @PurgeDate Type C M Description Root element. The version number of the protocol that is used to connect to Cubilis. Only value “2.02” is allowed. The xml namespace that is used. Authentication (see page 5). M M O M M C M O Only “RES” is allowed. The ID of the reservatie. Grouping of HotelReservation. The date indicates that all reservations, made on this date or later, will be sent. C = collection, M = mandatory, O = optional ... ... 4.2 OTA_HotelResRS Level Element 0 OTA_HotelResRS @Version 1 @xmlns Success Type C M M O Description Root Element. The version number of the protocol that is used to connect to Cubilis. Only value “2.0” is allowed. The xml namespace that is used. Indicates that a valid response is returned.