Scribes with Scrolls Scrolls of Love | Page 14

Sharing Love

Is Sharing Christ

“By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another,” (John 13:35).

L.O.V.E…we throw around that four letter word all the time:

“I love that new BMW.”

“I love fried chicken.”

“I love that new Brad Pitt movie.”

“I love my new sneakers.”

We throw the word around so much that many people don’t fully appreciate the meaning of the word anymore. The word that’s translated “love” in John 13:35 is AGAPE. Agape is defined by Strong’s Numbers as “brotherly love, affection, good will, benevolence.”

We are called to love people as Christ disciples. We are not called to love things. As His disciples, are we showing affection (fond attachment, devotion; bent or disposition of mind) to others? Are we extending benevolence to everyone and not just to those we like?