We all can name three of the gifts of the Magi because we sing about them and hear the story about them. Yet the Magi actually gave a fourth gift that we don't hear much about. Let's take a quick look the Magi visit when Jesus was two. Sorry, they didn't make it to the manger. However, we will look at the first gift last.
Starting with gold, the gift for a King. For one ounce of gold at the current rate, you could get close to $1052. I seriously doubt the Magi would bring just one ounce of gold to give the King. It probably help the family while they lived in Egypt, hiding from Herod.
Frankincense that sweet, peppery, lemon fragrance, which represents His Priesthood. One ounce of frankincense is close to $5 which would make a pound of it about $80. Frankincense is made from the resin of the Boswellia plant. When I looked up what else Boswellia is use for I thought it rather fitting for our Priest. Boswellia is used to help with purification of the body, mainly the kidneys.
Myrrh, a bitter herb that is used in burial, the fitting gift for the Messiah. Myrrh runs around $30 an ounce which would make a pound around $480. It is likely this gift was used for His burial.