Scribes with Scrolls Christmas Special | Page 31

The Way.

There is no ‘once a year’ for God’s family..

For every sunrise ushers in a

Christmas or Easter day.

That one moment in history,

a beautiful gift of God’s grace.

When he sent his Son to live among,

The broken human race.

So arrange your decorations, and sing your favorite song.

Place ornamented trees and wrapped luxuries..but

Share as one

in the birth of God’s son,Jesus Christ, who came to be..

The one who saved the world,

Our only way to God, the true definition of free.

No, there is no ‘once a year’

For those who belong

To God’s family.

Lisa Wenninger

Lisa is the founder of Authentic Truths, blogger, speaker, wife, mom and nana! Inspiring women with a fiery passion for Christ. Two words- authentic, truth.